Tuesday, April 10, 2012

“Free” Restaurants in Valencia

By Quinton Campbell

While living in Valencia, it’s impossible not to notice the wide variety of dining options that are available. Not only are most of them located near the study center, but they’re very affordable on a student budget, especially when one accounts for the meal tickets, or “cheques,” included in the program fee when studying with FSU.  Not only are there a wide variety in cultural cuisines within the city limits of Valencia, but these cheques are also accepted in major cities all over Europe. This not only helps the budget during independent travel, but since it’s already been paid for, I know I personally felt more inclined to go out on a limb and eat at a restaurant that I might not have tried originally had I been paying directly out of pocket for my meal. Here’s a short list of restaurants within walking distance from the study center in Valencia that accepted cheques while I studied there:

Walk-to-Wok (Chinese)

Pizza Gratis (Italian)

Fressco (Pizza, Pasta, and Salad buffet)

Wok Quing (Chinese)

Pan de Queso (Spanish)

There’s also a Greek restaurant that serves gyros and shawarmas a block away from the study center that accepts cheques but I can’t remember what it was called!

Those are just to name a few of the ones I was aware of, and there are most likely more restaurants that have started accepting cheques (or more restaurants in general that have opened near the study center) within the year and half since I have been there. The restaurants that accept them are really easy to spot as well. When I was there, there were orange signs on the front door that indicated if cheques were accepted there, and this came in handy during the weekend excursions (also provided in the program fee) to Barcelona and Madrid when we were unfamiliar with the restaurants in the area. Again, they’re accepted widely across Europe, so make sure to bring an extra cheque or two with you if you travel independently on weekends to other cities. However, DON’T travel with your entire book of cheques because they’re essentially as good as cash; if you lose them, they’re non-refundable. Definitely take advantage of this aspect of your program fee, because not only have you already paid for it but it really gives you the opportunity to get a feel for the cuisine of the neighborhood on a budget. If all else fails and you have a lot of cheques left at the end of your semester, you have an excuse to eat like a king during your last weekend in Valencia! Buen provecho!


  1. One of my favorite place in Valencia is Etxebe! Tapas, comida, cenas. En cualquier momento, unos vinos excelentes y productos de Navarra incluso para llevar, de gran calidad. Cocina casera a un precio mas que razonable con menú diario.
    Apto para todos los bolsillos.

  2. Awesome! I like your blog info related to restaurant. Thanks


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